Grants and Scholarships

Our Grants and Scholarships

  • Philip Hyde Grant

    The Nature Photography Foundation is pleased to announce that thanks to the generosity of two anonymous donors the Foundation in 2025 will be awarding two Philip Hyde Grants, each in the amount of $5,000. This conservation grant is awarded annually by the Foundation to an individual who is actively pursuing completion of a peer-reviewed environmental project that is consistent with the mission of the Foundation. For more information on Philip Hyde, please see his website. To view the application criteria, please click the button below.

  • Janie Moore Green Scholarship

    This scholarship of $2,000 is awarded biennially to a student specializing in the study of photography who is currently enrolled in, or who has been accepted to, an institution of higher education. This grant is made possible through the generosity of Janie Moore Greene and will be available in the fall of 2026.

  • Photo Blind Project

    In 1997 the Foundation began funding construction of photo blinds in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This partnership initially resulted in 40 blinds in 37 National Wildlife Refuges in 24 states.

    Today, the NANPA Foundation has expanded its funding efforts into a Photo Blind Grant Program which has resulted so far in helping erect 47 blinds in 29 states.